Women in science we admire

Exhibition guidelines

Who can I nominate?

Any women scientist that your admire, or who has inspired you. 

What do  I include in my nomination?

  •  an image of nominated scientist image,  jpeg format, small file size 
  • 100 word statement telling us why you admire the scientist 

Some ideas around your nomination

  • may be a female scientist who inspires you through their work and/or achievements 
  • the female scientist may be in the past, present or future

Please ensure your content is within 100 words and your attached jpeg image is no bigger than 300 x300 pixels and 96 dpi.


Participant declaration

By submitting your entry throughout the online portal or sending your submission to the Athena SWAN UTAS Team you give permission to display your entry and all information provided on the Women in Science We Admire virtual exhibition on the World Wide Web for public access and you confirm that you hold copyright in the material supplied and you express licence to use the material on the above listed webpage: image and entry content and participant affiliation.  Giving UTAS (or its agents) a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty, and fee free, worldwide perpetual license to reproduce and communicate the electronic version of the material submitted in all forms of media and now or hereafter know.

If you do not own the copyright of the material in question, please include any information pertaining to the copyright and owner in the online submission portal for the Athena SWAN Team at UTAS to investigate prior to being published online.



An image has been submitted to our Women in Science We Admire Competition to publish your picture online on the World Wide Web.  Please note while all care has been made to pertain copyright information UTAS takes no reasonability for material that is submitted by third parties.  In the event you would like any information removed from the online exhibition site please see the below information regarding the take down procedure.  


Parental/Guardian Consent 18 and over

If you are under the age of 18 please be aware that you will need consent from a parental or legal guardian.  Please send your consent in writing to the Athena SWAN Team at UTAS.


Take down Procedure

If you would like your nomination taken down or any information which has been supplied by you and/or about you removed from the online exhibition please contact the Athena SWAN UTAS Team.

The University of Tasmania Copyright Statement webpage outlines the take down procedure and includes a direct link to the Copyright Infringement Notification form.


Personal Information — Photographs, Interviews, and Filming

The University must obtain the consent of individuals prior to taking a photograph of someone, or where the University may film or interview someone. Photographs, films or quotations of an individual are ways in which an individual can be identified, and as such would be classes as ‘personal information.

The University is required to seek individuals sign the Personal Information Consent form where the University is required to use an individual’s personal information".

Note that personal information and copyright are not the same thing, and consents for both are required in different circumstances, as outlined above.

To obtain a copy of the Personal Information Consent form, please click here.