Women in science we admire
Pollyanna Hilder
Pollyanna Hilder nominated by Mark Natoli
Polly is a natural leader, a wonderful role model and an extraordinary mentor for other women pursuing a career in science. Polly, over many years of studies and sacrifice has forged a successful career in Marine Science. This achievement alone takes high intelligence and massive determination. To do so while still finding time to nurture and care for family, friends and colleagues is in itself reason for admiration and respect. One of Polly’s recent achievements is successfully establishing and managing the Southern Hemisphere largest Salmon Experimental Research Facility (EAF). The photograph is showing Polly holding a large Atlantic Salmon successfully grown at the University of Tasmania EAF, situated at IMAS Taroona.
IMAS Experimental Aquaculture Facility Fly-Over Source: YouTube, Published on 28 Oct 2015 by IMAS - Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies